Criminal Law

Criminal Law is an area of law that deals with a system of legal rules and the manner in which NSW Police and the Courts approach it. Our lawyers are specialised in criminal matters and are able to assist you in all offences and/or charges. This includes all Court appearances before the Local Court, District Court, and Children’s Court.

Being charged with a criminal offence can be very stressful and confronting. We understand that sometimes our clients make an “honest and reasonable mistake” and are often faced with serious consequences. This has an impact on the victims, families, employers, and your future. Our criminal justice system recognises that sometimes “good people, make bad choices”. Our approach to criminal law is focused on rehabilitation and retributive justice. It considers an appropriate and proportionate punishment as an acceptable response to that crime. Our lawyers will explain the law, advise clients of their legal rights, investigate and negotiate on your behalf, and present your case. We aim at keeping our clients fully informed of the criminal court process and procedures. Our lawyers will provide you with ongoing realistic advice. To help with the stress, we have an in house referral system which includes: phycologists, counselling, psychiatrist and specialists in rehabilitation.

Areas of Criminal Law

  • Court Appearances
  • Driving and Traffic Offences
  • Arrest and Bail Applications
  • Assaults and Apprehended Violence Orders (AVO’s)
  • Plea Bargaining and Negotiations
  • Police Interviews and Powers
  • Minor and Serious Offences
  • Fraud Matters

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