Employment Law
Employment Law is an area of law that relies on the Fair Work Act 2009 and the Fair Work Regulations 2009. It governs the relationship between employer and employee. Fair Work Australia was primarily set up and designed to protect your “rights” as an employee. It ensures that you are treated fairly, and offers workplace protection. For employers, it provides education and advice on how to run a small business. Employment law encompasses a broad area and deals with enforcing the National Employment Standards (NES). It focuses on safety issues and workplace conditions, advice on employment contracts, and governs the tailoring of enterprise bargaining agreements. Disputes in the workplace can be “stressful, uncomfortable and unpleasant” for both parties. Sometimes a problem cannot be resolved without legal advice. Our lawyers can help resolve the problem without “going to court”, we can remove the barriers of red tape and focus on a compromise and resolution. We understand the urgency of workplace issues and how a negative and unhealthy working environment can affect your quality of life at home and work. To avoid unnecessary costs and stress, our lawyers will identify the problem, write a letter of advice, and head you in the right direction.
Areas of Employment Law
- Wages & Entitlements
- Allegation of Misconduct
- Unfair Dismissal & Termination
- Employment Contracts & Restraints
- Occupational, Health & Safety
- Recovery of Unpaid Work
- Workplace Bullying and Harassment
- Discrimination
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