Welcome to Merek Aleksander Firms
Merek Aleksander Firms is a general practice, specialising in modern legal services.
We are compassionate and understanding when it comes to complex matters involving all areas of law and problems which affect our families. We specialise in Family Law, Children and Divorce. Our approach and style of practice focus on people and their problems.
“Legal problems affect not just us, but our livelihood & happiness”.
Finding a healthy sustainable solution is essential, and we will only engage into litigation when all options have been explored.
“We are your voice & we will fight for you”
At Merek Aleksander Firms, we are focused on reducing stress, are mindful of ongoing legal costs. We are dedicated to achieving the best possible outcome for our clients. Finding a balance between traditional law and adopting a more modern and holistic approach narrows the focus on the client and client care.
“The greatest success people will know, comes from helping others”.
As lawyers, we hold a trusted position in the community and ultimately our goal is to help others when they cannot help themselves. We care about our clients, and are dedicated to resolving their legal problems.
“By helping other people, to get their life back on track, is our philosophy and purpose”.
Our legal team consist of a variety of lawyers who specialise in all areas of law. We offer professional service and advice with a strong and yet compassionate approach to law. Our team’s aim is to ensure the best results.
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Merek Aleksander Law Firm. Ltd. t/as
Merek Aleksander Firms
Liability Limited by a Scheme Approved Under Professional Standards Legislation